Monday, January 3, 2011

The Prophet

I used to wonder: will I ever change?
As though waiting for a replacement me
to come from over the water and start
doing all the things I kept from myself

I had a list going:
revolution revolution revolution
love evolve morph transgress
transform sprout wings sing

I had a pattern of choosing gurus
to follow: david, emily, mark, christina
people I expected could show me how easy
it could be to be a revolutionary being

I came to quit them all one by one
then quit waiting for change. I evolved.
Maybe it came from study and patience
Maybe I just had the guts to stand up

What was the first act? Thought.
I wear rings now for every path
I abandoned. Bracelets for the hearts
I discarded. I dispatched faith.

Now I perch over the river
my blue shirt bluer than the blue sky
watching while the city
wrestles with itself on the opposite shore

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