Wednesday, January 11, 2012

c'est moi

here come all the anxieties of socialization i thought i was over years ago


expect to be sitting there a little cold with shoulders hunched
and mystified eyeballs

namesake still in the can
my passionate go-getter self with larger teeth and eyes
i see the lack of myself in you

what's the weather in your soul today?
cloudy with a chance of rain? i thought so.
flurries of texts forecast from here until late next week.
bundle up!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sitting the Quiet

In the moments
where the city of masses
becomes empty

I sigh
lean back
stretch arms above my head
tuck my head into the bend of my knees.

These are diamond moments
unforgettable in their rarity
few and far between
glorious in the moment they arrive
and say goodbye.

The city of crowd control
grows quiet
and it feels like home.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Tell Me The Story

Tell me the story of your past
in its black and white glory.

Tell me of that first date
in the sprinking rain
ratty shirts and work clothes.
That was a day

But now it is gone.

Tell me the moment of pause
of how we teased
and I pressed my head to your heart.

Tell me of the moment I grabbed your hand
and we walked off together
into today.