one day i told you this—
i told this also to samuel, and
also i told this to my ex girlfriend*
when i hoped it would not end, and
one day i told this to you—
one day i told you this,
endlessness would
mend us, rest alone or
at least for a while alone, or
when there's nothing left
there's endlessness,
memory doesn't forget what's best
or worst, oops, but
it's impossible to avoid a
"stupid bitch" here, sorry
every case, give it a rest
one day i told you this,
i told you one day
one day i told you this,
nothing ends, ever
for though your relation alters
it doesn't really change, and better
thoughts go on, never
doch glaube ich das nicht mehr, ich
meine, es geht immer, aber das
"nichts verendet niemals, nimmer"
wegen der gefühle, die verändert habe,
es gibt immer eine begrenzung,
ein limit: mit gefuhle, denken,
liebe, memory, familie, this brings me to say,
warum zurückschreckst du vor das Enden, anyway?
i thought this in another tongue,
when you wanted to be my friend
i realized, that doesn't work, but
i owe you this: nothing ever ends
*jene, jeder
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