The cabbage, my love.
enough food for a feast, an abundant bloom in shades of green and purple
utilitarian stalwart of the enchanted brassica genus,
those healing prodigies of the mustard family.
cabbages! and their ability to break down and become
exactly what my stomach needs to feel good
the food that makes it possible to eat food
who would think that such a pungent specificity would belay such edible altruism?
you, cabbage, are the center of my attention and then repay me, support me, throughout my every eating day.
oh cabbage,
In the popular imagination, what other vegetable still grows in a patch?
I am honored by my derisive association with your home,
don't be so cabbage patch must mean something like don't be so saccharine or so uncool.
but I am embracing you
I'll imagine my covers are your outer leaves and I, I am in a cabbage patch. sweet and exhausting.
I choose to immerse myself in you, cabbage. it's time I know you if you model me so well.

But wait, there is something exciting happening at the base of the Magic Crystal Tree.
Code Green ... Mother Cabbage is in Labor!

The sonogram is glowing pink, it looks like it is going to be a girl.

She has green eyes. Our intern remembered to fertilize the patch so this baby has auburn curls!

It's a beautiful Newborn girl. Would you like to help name her?
woah. um.
fascinated, I preemptively apologize to myself for intrigue looking like irony,
guilt is an important motivator, because ironic consumption is consumption, too
and I don't know even of it is- which is a whole different story.
but what is the relationship between repression and the cabbage patch?
world of euphemism and false sanitation. are these my people?!
and how do I Own It when stating the phrase aloud makes me try to be tough and
ownership is a possessive concept that I don't want to foster too deeply.
and I do not like euphemisms, I don't even like metaphors
my vagina is not a cabbage that gets fertilized to grows babies while sitting under the magic crystal tree.
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