Monday, January 3, 2011

Love Poem

We now have planets mapped and written in our minds.
We scan ours wrapped in smitten lines of know-how nations.
We regard their borders' flaps with awe, and think
Only those largest spiring empires expansive.

But Estonia is small and still just a year ago I
Stood in the dawn-wet field, amid rheum and riddle and wrack-
And dry grass. In the distance there were trees-
But such distance! The clement cirque of the sky spoke
Slyly of spaces large enough to contain all the sibilant sighs
Of lactating galaxies sighted lighting nightly skies with their cerements.

And you in your jacket, smiling, in the cold,
Blond tangles languid in fangs of fanning wind-
The grass's lunatic clientele laughed at us in their taffetas,
And the twisted woven spring air, bright, noticed you in the mud,
Fell in love, and thought you better than any empire.

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