Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Deer xbf

DMCme: what was with the dead bison, it was sad!
dmauricec: i helped kill and butcher it today
me: what was it like?
2:57 AM dmauricec: hot and smelly
me: how did you get involved in that situation?
dmauricec: haha
i was recommened as "someone who might be interested in this kind of thing"
best thing ever
and i have 15 pounds in my fridge
me: damn, you are set for the winter
dmauricec: i have to fnd someone to freeze it for me
3:00 AM me: once my dad did that with a deer, and we had a whole big freezer full of venison that we all refused to eat
i don't think he hunted it though, i think it was road kill
are you going to poughkeepsie for xmas?
DGDJust back from some club on the 34th floor of some hotel. Went along with some insanely young British people (it was Pat's 19th birthday today...) who were snorting coke all night, and stopped talking to me once they realized how old I was, and some very sweet college Columbian girls who were very good dancers.
PS Do you think this is about a summer or winter deer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwKxh3y5h0
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞DFi'm still a teenager, gosh darn today was great! it involved a deer skull. yikes! no cow skull, thank god, that means death. deers mean magic. i didn't get any birthday kisses, but i did get two birthday cards.


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